Free patterns

Free Christmas patterns: Here

Free knitting/crochet patterns: Here

Mermaid sampler

This sampler is inspired by antique needlework, alphabet booklets and other vintage pieces.

It features a famous quotation accredited to John Adams the 2nd president of the United States.

“Always stand on principle. Even if you stand alone “

 There is a space where you can personalize your sampler with the name and date of your choice. An extra chart with an alphabet and numeral is included in the PDF.

Stitches used are: Cross stitch, back stitch, running stitches (also known as Holbein stitch), French knots and petit point.

Free download: Mermaid sampler

A little pattern with a well-known maxim that sums up the essence of the Montessori method.

“We can sum this up in two sentences; the first actually said by a child to his teacher: ‘Help me to do it by myself’. The other is one we gave: ‘Every useless help is an obstacle to development.”

Maria Montessori - Citizen of the World

Free download: Help me to help...

Muller 312

This charming floral design is charted from a hand drawn pattern.

Free download: Muller 312



This little pattern is charted from an antique bookmark. The anchor was stitched in cross stitch on punched paper, then sewed on a ribbon.

In the Victorian era, an anchor was a symbol of hope and was often paired with a heart, and cross to symbolize: Faith, Hope, Love.

Free download: Anchor

Sleep well dear guest

This pattern is a replica of a vintage cross-stitched poem, the embroidery is quite large and was at one time framed.

The original was stitched on loose even-weave, and features a poem written by Ellen Maria Huntington Gates (1835 –1920).

Free download: Sleep well dear guest


Stitch this sweet little rose needleroll, the pattern is free and there is a tutorial with photos on the blog:

Free download: Needleroll

Tough times...

March 2020 - The worldwide Corona virus pandemic is forcing us all indoors, with many sick and quarantined we do what we can to wash our hands and keep our distance, nevertheless we also worry for our loved ones and the long-term consequences of this crisis…

It is good to remember that the human race is tough, we have survived natural disasters, wars, famines, sicknesses, we are strong and resilient!

Design Area: 88 x 53 stitches

If stitched on 28 ct linen/ 14 ct aida: 6,28" x 3,78" / 16 x 9,6 cm

Free download: Tough times

One cat...

This pattern features a quotation from Hemingway, and original art work by Laura Martin.

Design Area: (118 x 97 stitches)

8,4 ' x 6,9 ', or 21,4 x 17, 6 cm on 14 ct aida or 28 ct linen.

Free download: One cat....

Tønsberg tower

This cross stitch pattern features the Tønsberg tower which was raised in 1888, as a memorial to the original fortress build in the 13 th century by king Haakon Haakonson.

Tønsberg dates back to 871 AD, and believed to be the oldest Norwegian town. Once it was an important trading center, harbor and the place where kings were proclaimed.

A perfect little project to stitch and frame as a souvenir of a visit to Tønsberg, or a wonderful gift for a friend or relative who comes from/ or adores Norway.

Cross stitch, half cross stitch and backstitch.

Design Area: 80 x 91 stitches

If stitched on 28 ct linen/ 14 ct aida the pattern will measure :

5,71" x 6,50" / 14.5 x 16.3 cm

Download: Tønsberg

Small rose

A pretty rose for you to stitch.

Download: Small rose

"I love cats" - Bookmark

This cute little bookmark is a great way to use up those leftover bits of linen or aida.

The pattern is also adaptable for filet crochet, by leaving ‘blank’ the blue spaces.

Bookmarks: 82 x 27 stitches

If stitched on 28 ct linen/ 14 ct aida the pattern will measure :

5,8" x 1,9" / 14,8 x 4,9 cm

Download: I love cats bookmark


Easter lamb

A sweet little lamb, and clover border.

Download: Easter lamb

Sajou pansies

Free chart re-charted from an original hand painted Sajou pattern.

Download : Sajou pansies

Free sampler

Free band sampler.

Download : Free sampler

Nannette's sampler

Folk style American sampler.

The original stitched sampler belongs to a kind lady called Nannette, who agreed to share the re-charted pattern with all of us.

Download : Nannette's sampler

The hunter

A classic theme - The hunter, and deer.

Perfect for cross stitch, and filet crochet.

Download : The hunter

17th of May, Norwegian flag

Different easy stitch Norwegian flag cross stitch motif, each little flag will only take about 1 hour to stitch.

Download: Norwegian flag


'La lykken gro som gresset bak do!’

This pattern features a fun, typical Norwegian saying.

‘La lykken gro som gresset bak do!’

For the non-Norwegian speakers, the saying directly translates as:

‘ Let happiness grow like grass behind the toilet’

Here it makes reference to the outdoor latrines many Norwegians are still familiar with since many keep a family 'hytte' ( cabin ) in the mountains for skiing holidays, or to get away from their busy lives and enjoy the beautiful nature.

Download: La lykken gro


Tudor rose

A sweet little rose for filet crochet,  cross stitch.

Download : Tudor rose

Cross and roses

Little cross and roses pattern is inspired from an antique bookmark.

The original was stitched in half cross stitch on stitching paper.

Download: Cross and roses

A little rose

Little rose for filet crochet, cross stitch.

Download: A little rose

Tiny motifs

A small collection of monochrome patterns perfect for cross stitch, bead work and filet crochet.

Download : Tiny motifs

Victorian card

A sweet little card for you to stitch.

Download : A Victorian card

Cross stitch envelope

Pattern for a floral envelope, the flowers are from an old hand painted Berlin woolwork chart.

Download : Envelope

French calendar

This pattern was re-charted from an old French lacis book.

It's perfect for cross stitch, bead, tapestry or filet crochet.

Download : Calendrier


Little sampler composed from fragments of hand painted Berlin woolwork charts.

(Circa 1850-1860)

Download : Parrot and border

Valentine 2009

Make a valentine card from an original hand painted Berlin woolwork chart.

Download: Valentine 2009

Russian eagle

The Russian coat of arm,  from an original antique chart.

Download : Double headed eagle

I don't do mornings

A cute little lazy kitty for you to stitch + a little wise word sampler.

Download : I don't do mornings